Divine Powers

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Primeval Essence

Primeval Essence can be best described as a god's soul. It is the heart of those who have achieved apotheosis. Primeval Essence is something that is immediately recognized by mortals - it resonates with the mortal's soul in a manner that no other power can, and the divine being is acknowledged instinctually as 'a god'. Only gods who conceal their divinity are able to pass through the mortal world without attracting reverence or fear from the mortal populace. The witness of a divine entity finds it impossible to recognize the being as anything but a god - there is no other thing that the entity could be.

Sealed Creations

A creation may be sealed, or unsealed. Young Creations are typically unsealed, and provide the divine powers that walk the world access to abilities normally restricted to more powerful gods. As such, in an unsealed Creation, gods have access to all Powers short of Transcendent gods. Once Creation has sealed itself, the gods are restricted to those Powers they have developed and progressed in themselves, and no longer have unlimited access to divine Powers.

A Creation seals itself when the use of primal energy reaches a certain point. Once the gods have become 'established', Creation seals away access to the primal energy it needs to survive, forcing the gods of that Creation to develop on their own. Primal energy used by the gods is absorbed by Creation, allowing it to become stronger. Different Creations have different 'triggering points' for when they become sealed, and stable Creations, where the gods work in harmony, may go for centuries before sealing themselves.

Divine Rank

The abilities of the divine are determined by the divine's Primal Rank. To gain levels of Rank requires the divinity to develop Primal power, and to increase their Genkai, which can be considered a refinement of the soul. The divine Rank of the god is determined by the Divine Level while how much Primal a god has is determined by their Divine Level and their Genkai.

Divine Level Rank
> 0 but < 1 Hero
1 Demigod
2 Lesser Power
3 Minor Power
4 Major Power
5 Greater Power
6 Transcendent
7 Elohim
8 ?

Divine Destruction

While incredibly powerful, it is also difficult to slay a god. Those wishing to do so may find their options limited - they may attempt to destroy one of the god's incarnations and hope for the best, or they may attempt to track down the god to their realm and hope to destroy them there. Doing the latter is a near-impossible feat, as the god has full control of their realm and everything that is within it. The 'realm' of the god is essentially their divine soul made manifest. Only a god-slaying weapon can truly protect someone while they are within the heart of a divine realm.

Slaying a god's incarnation only has a chance of slaying the god themselves. The god loses an amount of Primal essence equal to the damage of the attack itself. If this reduces the god to 0 Primeval Essence, the god is slain. As such, most divinities refuse to spend their last few points of Primeval Essence. If the incarnation is slain, their remaining Primal is unleashed, destroying and altering the landscape around the point of death. The barriers between realms weakens, and the remnants become a blasted wasteland. The destruction covers (Genkai) spherical kilometres and everything in the region takes (Primeval Essence) Health in damage. This damage can only be reduced by spending Primeval Essence (see below). Parallel realms also suffer damage from this attack, as indicated below. Each rank includes the realms of the ranks that precede it.

Rank Hero Demigod Lesser Power Minor Power Major Power Greater Power Transcendent
Realms Creation Dream Realm Dream Realm Spirit Realm Spirit Realm Afterlife Afterlife

The corpse of the god will manifest in the realm most suited to the god's domains. Thus, a god of death may manifest in the Afterlife, while a god of dreams may manifest in the dream realm. The god will manifest as a towering figure, about (Genkai x Primal) metres in height. Deep within the body of the slain god is the remnant, a portion of the god's consciousness. If imbued with Primeval Essence (see the Imbuing Power), the god is reborn and lives once again. The god loses 1 Genkai and 1 Divine Level. If this reduces either Divine Level to 0, the god can not be reborn, and instead goes through the natural cycle of death and rebirth as a mortal.

Divine Presence

The very presence of a god is impossible to ignore. Any mortal who witnesses the god is immediately aware of what they are encountering, and can not fail to respond to the presence of such an entity. Anything else in Creation pales before the might of such a power. How a mortal responds depends on how powerful the god is, and how much Willpower the mortal has, and what faith the mortal is a part of. Once the effect is determined, the mortal may roll Willpower + Integrity - (Divine Genkai). If the mortal passes, the impact of the divine presence is one less. If the mortal fails, they act at the level indicated. A mortal can not get an effect weaker than Acknowledged.

To determine the base effect, subtract the mortal's Willpower from the god's Appearance + (Primal Level x (Genkai + 1)). This determines the base Presence. If the mortal is a worshipper of the god's pantheon, add 50 to this total. If the mortal is a worshipper of an allied pantheon, add 25. If the mortal is a follower of a neutral pantheon, subtract 25, and if the mortal is a worshipper of a hostile pantheon, subtract 50.

< 1 Acknowledged The mortal is aware of the god's divine power, and must expend 5 MP each and every time they wish to act disrespectful or hostile to the god. If the mortal does not have enough MP, or chooses not to expend MP, the mortal must act with the utmost respect to the god. If the mortal is a faithful of the god’s pantheon, they must spend 10 MP, rather than 5.
1 to 150 Divine Right The mortal responds to the god as a superior, subconsciously acting in a manner which shows subservience. The mortal is incapable of acting in a derogatory fashion to the god, even if placed under unnatural influence. If the god says anything which could be construed as a command, the mortal must make a (Willpower + Alertness) - (Appearance) roll if they wish to resist complying with it. Acting on behalf of the god grants a bonus to any rolls equal to the god's Genkai x Primal Level that ensure the command is followed through. If the mortal is a member of a hostile faith, they may spend 5 MP to automatically resist the command if the roll fails. Acting contrary to the god’s desires, however, forces a - ((Genkai + 1) x Primal Level) penalty to all rolls involving opposing the command.
151 to 300 Divine Awe The mortal responds to the god in awe or terror, recognizing them as a true power beyond mortal understanding. If the mortal worships the god's pantheon, they will obey the will of the divine without question. If the mortal is not aligned to a pantheon, and have a Willpower that is less than the god's (Genkai + 1) x Primal Level, they must spend 5 MP per Scene they are in the god’s presence, or convert to the god’s faith. If the mortal is of a hostile faith, the conflict of belief inflicts (god’s (Genkai + 1) x Primal Level) damage upon the mortal, which may be not be reduced. If the god grows angry with a mortal subject to Divine Awe, the mortal suffers from the radiance of the god’s primal aura, and suffers damage immediately, as if they were a member of a hostile faith. This effect can occur only once per Scene.
> 300 Rapture Mortals can barely exist in the face of a god of this power. If the mortal worships the god’s pantheon, they are stripped of all free will, and act as an extension of the god. The mortal adds the god's ((Genkai + 1) x Primal Level) to any roll involving an action that fulfils the god’s commands, and the mortal can not act contrary to the god’s wishes, and can not have a crisis of faith or question the god. If the mortal is not aligned to any pantheon, they suffer ((Genkai + 1) x Primal Level) Wounds, which can not be reduced. If the mortal survives, they convert to the god’s faith, and suffer the effects of Divine Awe for the faithful. Mortals who are of a hostile faith must make a Willpower + Alertness - Appearance roll or immediately Faint. If they remain aware, they suffer Health loss as mentioned above. If the god grows angry at a mortal under the effects of Rapture, the mortal immediately makes a Willpower + Alertness - Appearance roll to avoid Fainting instantly, and suffers the damage listed above. A mortal can only be struck in this fashion once per Scene.


The spark that exists within the heart of the god produces Primeval Essence, or Prime. Expended Prime replenishes gradually, and may be used by the god. The very nature of this essence is used to shape Creation and is what sets the divine apart from all other creatures. Some powers are beyond that of weaker powers, and can only be claimed if the god has a high enough Primal Rank.

Aegis (Instant Action, 1+ Prime)

The god reduces Health loss by (Primal Level x (Genkai + 5)) x 5. This protection can not be prevented in any way except for divine interference. The god may spend up to (Primal Rank) Prime in this fashion as part of the same Action, with each additional point of Prime increasing the multiplier of damage reduced by 1. For every 1 Prime, the god may protect another character with Aegis. Aegis may be sustained, providing the initial protection against incoming harm. However, any damage beyond the initial protection costs the god 1 Prime for each additional 10 points of damage taken. The god may negate this power and recreate the protection as an Instant Action.

Healing (Instant Action, 1+ Prime)

The god increase the number of Health they currently possess by (Primal Level x (Genkai + 5)) x 5. This healing can not be prevented in any way except by divine interference. The god may spend up to (Primal Level) Prime in this fashion as part of the same Action, with each additional point of Prime spent increasing the multiplier for healing by 1. Healing may be sustained, providing the initial surge of health, plus an additional 20 points of Health per Action for the cost of one Prime. This recovery does not expend Actions, but allows the god to perform other actions while healing. This healing can be done on other individuals for 2 Prime per person being healed.

Wrath (Standard Action, 1+ Prime)

The god unleashes a direct and raw blast of power, inflicting (Primal Level x (Genkai + 5)) x 5 Health loss without needing to make an attack roll, and which can not be prevented in any way without divine interference. The god may spend up to (Primal Level) Prime in this fashion as part of the same Action, with each additional point of Prime spent increasing the multiplier for damage 1. Wrath may be sustained, providing the initial surge of damage, plus 20 additional Wounds per Action for the cost of one Prime. This damage does not expend Actions, but allows the god to perform other actions while continuing to injure an opponent.


Raw use of Primeval Essence is often considered inefficient. The god, however, may perform a weaving, using Prime to harness the powers of Creation, rather than channelling it in a raw state.


When performing an attack, the god may spend 1 Prime to make the attack perfect. The god automatically succeeds on the attack without the need to roll. This attack can not Critical. If attempting to avoid an attack, the god may forego their own attack and spend 1 Prime to make the defence perfect. The god automatically avoids the attack unless it is a critical success. The damage of the attack is increased by ((Genkai + 5) x Primal Level) if it would normally inflict damage.


When using a Move, the god may spend 1 Prime to make use of the Move perfect. The Move succeeds automatically, without a roll required, as if gaining the highest possible result short of a Critical effect. The Move can not be blocked or defeated except by the use of Prime. If the move would normally reduce damage, damage is reduced by an additional (Primal Level x (Genkai + 5)).

Attributes and Skills

When an Attribute or Skill is used for a roll, the god may spend 2 Prime to make the roll perfect. The character is considered to gain a successful use of the Attribute or Skill, but can not get a Critical success.

True Powers

Once a god reaches the appropriate Divine Rank, they may begin to select divine powers. The god must be of the appropriate Genkai and Divine Level to claim these powers, however. These powers, once claimed, can be increased, much like standard Pokemon Powers.

Hero Powers

Companion (Divine Level .25)

The god chooses one mortal to become a Companion. This individual is provided a number of advantages, but must remain in the god's good graces to retain them. If the god decides to forsake the Companion, these benefits are lost. This Power can be taken more than once, providing the god with an additional Companion each time it is taken.

The Companion gains +1.0 Growth for each Pokemon Attribute, and adds the god's level in this Power to each other Attribute. In addition, the Companion is given partial immunity from death and injury. If an effect would cause the Companion to either Faint or die, the god is immediately aware of it and may spend 10 Primal. The condition fails to harm the Companion - through some miracle the Companion avoids the condition completely.

Aspect (Divine Level .50)

By choosing an Aspect, the god has begun to define their divinity, developing aspects of themselves which will eventually become their purview. The good chooses one Type which becomes a part of their presence and identity. This Type may manifest in any action that the god does by spending 1 Prime, and can be a part of any Pokemon Move. The god becomes immune to attacks of the Type they have chosen as an Aspect. This Power may be taken more than once, with a new Type chosen each time. In addition, the god may learn imitate Pokemon Powers by spending 1 Primal, and can learn Pokemon Powers of the Type appropriate to any Aspect they possess. The Aspect's Level must be at least as high as the lowest Level available for any mortal Pokemon to imitate or learn that Power. When facing an attack of multiple Types, the victim compares their Type resistance to all Types coming in, adjusting the damage according to individual resistances. If the victim is Immune to a specific Type (Dark vs Psychic for example), the attack is still completely negated.

Demesne (Divine Level .75)

The god may choose a region, declaring it as under their control. This region may be a political border (the kingdom of X), a named region which straddles more than one border (the forest of X), or any other recognized division of the land. Creation itself may not be chosen. While acting within this region, the god adds their Level in this power as a bonus to any and all rolls they make. In addition, the god gains an enhanced awareness of events in the region, allowing the god to sense when impending trouble will occur. This awareness allows the god to know where the trouble is occurring, so that the god may attempt to be there when it happens. The god gains (Power Level x Divine Level) minutes of forewarning. This power may be taken more than once, granting the god additional demesnes each time they choose this power.

A Demesne can be destroyed. Attacks made on the Demesne until it can no longer be recognized will remove the god's Power appropriately.

Demigod Powers

Manifestation (Divine Level 1, Requires Aspect)

The god manifests signs of their nature, physically transforming to take on divine traits. A god whose auspice will include fire may begin to radiate flames, while a god of nature may have plant life growing with their hair. This power becomes a unique power for the god, which acts in all fashions as a Pokemon move. The move must be approved by staff, but helps solidify the god's appearance and roll as a member of a divine pantheon. This power may be taken more than once, with a unique move created each time.

Prophet (Divine Level 1.2)

The god chooses one mortal, and infuses the mortal with a portion of the god's divine might. This fusion alters the personality of the mortal, creating a blend of the mortal's personality and the god's persona. This takes a number of minutes equal to the Level of the mortal being imbued. The god may spend an amount of Prime and XP to infuse the mortal up to the level of this power, and grants the mortal (5 + Genkai) x (Primal Spent) XP to spend on augmenting their character sheet. A person may only be imbued once, more Primal can not be spent to provide the mortal with additional XP. The god chooses how this XP is spent, and may revoke this status at any time, removing the XP gained by the mortal. The god does not recover anything spent. A god may only have one prophet at a time.

Avatar (Divine Level 1.4, Requires Demesne)

The god may create a lesser version of themselves. The god may spend an amount of Primal and XP equal to the level they possess in this power, granting the mortal (5 + Genkai) x (Primal Spent) XP to develop. The god chooses how this XP is spent, and the avatar is constructed as a normal mortal. Constructing an avatar takes a number of rounds equal to the Primal spent on creating it. Once created, the avatar is placed into any region where the god owns a Demesne. Avatars are self-aware and have some level of independence, and while they do not have Primeval Essence, they may gain divine Powers. Divine Powers are fuelled by MP rather than Primeval Essence, and are considered (Magic) abilities, rather than (Divine) abilities. The god may recall an avatar at any time, which ceases to exist, though the god does not recover spent XP. A god may take this power multiple times, increasing the number of avatars the god can create at once. Each avatar is restricted by the level of the power used to make it. Example: A god with Avatar 20 and Avatar 10 can spend 20 Primal and XP on the first Avatar, and 10 Primal and XP on the second Avatar.

Notes: An avatar can be played by anyone of the god player's choosing. It need not be played by the same player, though as mentioned, the god can recall it any time they wish. To buy a divine power, the avatar must petition staff to have it added to their sheet -- since they do not have a Divine Level, they can not claim it themselves using the normal buying option.

Domain (Divine Level 1.6, Requires Demesne)

The god may choose a single Demesne that they control, increasing the god's awareness. Any event which occurs within this Demesne that the god would consider important is immediately known to them. The god may not be surprised while within this domain, and is immediately aware of any actions taken by a group or individual that the god would consider of importance. This is considered a Perfect Divination effect, and if the witnessed party attempts to counter this divination, they must produce a level of effect greater than the god's level in this power. In addition, the god can perform an effect on anyone within the domain. This attack may mirror any Pokemon power the god has an Aspect for, even if the god does not know it. This Power costs 30 Primal, minus the normal PP that the Power provides (thus a 5 PP Power requires 25 Primal to use). The Power has a level equal to the god's level in this Power. This Power may be taken more than once, enhancing an additional Demesne each time it is taken.

A Domain may be destroyed. Attacks on a Domain until it can no longer be recognized will remove this Power.

Incarna (Divine Level 1.8, Requires Avatar)

The god may create a lesser manifestation of themselves. This Incarna uses the same character sheet as their divine counterpart, but does not have a Primal Level or Primeval Essence. Creating an Incarna requires the god to expend an amount of Primal and XP equal to their own Level, and takes (5 + Genkai) days. The Incarna exists until such a time as the god recalls it. Doing so removes the Incarna from existence, though the god does not recover anything from the act. If an Incarna is slain, this is treated as if the god themselves were slain, and may destroy the god's Primeval Essence. This Power may be taken more than once.

The Incarna may duplicate any Primal Power that the god possesses. These Powers are restricted to the level of the Incarna Power used to create the Incarna, so that if the god has Incarna 20, the Incarna is limited to using a Power at Level 20. Using a Primal Power requires the Incarna to spend MP rather than Primeval Essence.

Lesser Powers

When a god becomes a Lesser Power, they can not regain Primal while within Creation. Their presence is at odds with the Reality which surrounds them, and Reality responds by barring them from recovering Prime. The god may retreat, withdrawing to the fringes of Reality to recover Prime, but upon doing so will not be able to directly return to Creation except under specific circumstances. Most Lesser Powers reside with their divine patron when outside Creation. Lesser Powers are recognized as the servants of 'true gods', and are usually powerful Named Entities. Upon becoming a Lesser Power, a god gains +1 Growth to each Pokemon Attribute.

Beast Mastery (Divine Level 2)

The god can create mundane animals through force of will. These animals have normal intelligence, but are bound to the god, who can give them mental commands regardless of distance, and can use the animal's senses as the god's own. These animals are fanatically loyal, and will obey any command given by the god without question. It takes one second to use this Power, per animal created. The god may manifest these animals in any Demesne that the god possesses, or within the god's normal sensory range.

For 25 Primal, the god creates a number of creatures equal to the Level of this Power. These creatures must be approximately 2 meters in length or height ('medium sized'). Each time this size is halved (round up), either the number of creatures created is doubled, or the Primal cost is reduced by 5. Each time this size is doubled, either halve the number of creatures created (round up), or increase the Primal cost by 5. Example: A god with Beast Mastery 20 wishes to make a swarm of large ants (1 cm). This is 1/9th the normal size the god can create, so the god can either reduce the Primal Cost by 45 (paying 1 Primal to create 20 ants), or could choose to create 6120 ants for 25 Primal. The god may spend XP as well as Primal to augment these animals. The god may spend up to their level in this Power in XP, granting the animals (5 + Genkai) x (Primal Spent) XP to spend as the god sees fit.

Envoy (Divine Level 2.3, Requires Domain and Incarna)

The god imbues one Incarna, turning it into an Envoy, the god's voice in Creation. The god may place this Envoy into any Domain the god holds influence in. The god gains access to the Envoy's senses, and knows exactly what the Envoy is doing at all times. The god may use any primal power they have through the Envoy, performing a direct effect as if present in the Envoy's location. The level of this effect is restricted by the god's level in this Power. At any time, the god may call the Envoy to them, and release them into another part of the god's Domain as an Action. Imbuing an Envoy takes (Incarna's Level) Primal, and takes one Round. A god may only have one Envoy at a time.

Realm Walk (Divine Level 2.6)

Unless a god has access to magic or opened gates, travel from realm to realm is a slow and tedious process. A god with this power can sense weak points along the fabric of reality, and can physically travel from one realm to another through a combination of ritual, knowledge, and a little divine might. The god may wander the length and width of the greater Tapestry without using mundane powers. The god wanders the realm, looking for a weak point or "shallow" to an adjoining realm. Once a suitable place has been discovered, the god presses through the barriers and moves to the next realm to continue the journey. Each barrier costs 10 Primal, and takes a certain period of time. This time is divided by the god's level in this Power. A god may use this Power to move from one point in the same realm to another, without traveling the distance between.

Within Creation

  • Movement within Creation: 240 hours
  • Spirit World: 25 days
  • Dream Realm: 50 days
  • Afterlife: 75 days
  • Parallel Creation: 100 days

Spirit World

  • Movement within Spirit World: 240 hours
  • Dream Realm: 25 days
  • Afterlife: 50 days
  • Parallel Creation: 75 days

Dream Realm

  • Movement within Dream Realm: 240 hours
  • Afterlife: 25 days
  • Parallel Creation: 50 days


  • Movement Within Afterlife: 240 hours
  • Parallel Creation: 25 days

Summon (Divine Level 2.9)

The god is capable of becoming manifest within Creation. The god chooses a narrow period of time, a celebration, a solar event, or other specific ocurrance in which they are allowed to enter Creation. This period requires staff approval, but when these conditions are met, the god may be called by those who are faithful. Manifesting in Creation costs the god an amount of Primal equal to their own Level, and only takes a single Round once the ritual is complete. This Power may be taken more than once, creating an additional condition in which the god may be summoned.

Summoning the god is a (Magery + Occult) roll. When a group performs the summoning, only the highest roll of all participants is used. The goal is to gain a number of Levels of success equal to the god's Level, and each roll takes the god's Genkai + 5 hours to perform. Results are cumulative, the Level of result from a previous roll is added to the next roll, until the ritual is interrupted, or until enough Levels are produced. Once summoned, the god can remain in Creation for as long as the ritual continues, and then after for a number of hours equal to their level in this Power. The god gains access to all their Powers, and recovers Prime at their normal rate.

Minor Power

Becoming a Minor Power requires the god to attain a Primal Level of 3 or higher. Minor Powers are recognized as true divinities, proper gods of a pantheon rather than the servants. Minor Powers are restricted from entering Creation, as their presence causes disruptions unless specifically summoned under extreme constraints. Most Minor Powers create a divine realm to reside in, providing themselves with a home and protection beyond Creation. Upon becoming a Minor Power, a god gains +1 Growth to each Pokemon Attribute.

Divine Realm (Divine Level 3, Requires Manifestation)

At the edges of Creation, the god creates a realm for themselves. This realm is a (5 + Genkai) x (Divine Level) x (Power Level) kilometer radius sphere. The appearance of this realm reflects the god's personality and subconscious, and will shift or change depending on the god's perception of themselves and what they are. While within this Realm, the god recovers Primal at twice the normal rate.

Miracle (Divine Level 3.3, Requires Aspect)

The god can construct a miracle, performing a divine effect which changes the fabric of Creation. When performing an Effect, consult the Pokemon Power list for the effect most appropriate to what the god desires. The Primal Cost is (30 - PP of the Pokemon Power). If the god has the appropriate Pokemon Power the cost is reduced a further 5 (minimum Cost of 1). These divine effects manifest in a manner appropriate to the god's auspice (Aspect, Manifestation, or Purview), and has a Level equal to the god's Level in this Power. The miracle can be performed on any location that the god is actively percieving of, and they can adjust the miracle in the following ways:

Area of Effect

  • +5 Primal per (5 + Genkai) m radius.
  • +25 Primal per (5 + Genkai) km radius.

Number of Targets

  • +5 Primal per (5 + Genkai) targets.
  • +25 Primal per 10 x (Genkai + 5) targets.


  • +5 Primal per (5 + Genkai) Minutes duration.
  • +25 Primal per (5 + Genkai) Hours duration.
  • +25 Primal per (5 + Genkai) Days duration.
  • +50 Primal per (5 + Genkai) Months duration.
  • +100 Primal and 100 XP for a Permanent Unnatural Effect.

Creation (Divine Level 3.6, Requires Aspect and Beast Mastery)

The god may create creatures through force of will in a manner similar to that of Beast Mastery. These creatures possess Powers, and act much in the same manner as Pokemon but do not possess true souls or creativity. The details of creating such creatures is the same as the Beast Mastery Power, but each animal may have a Pokemon Power Set. The god may instill (Level) Powers on the creature, evenly distributed between Levels 1 and 100. No Powers can have a Level Requirement less than that of any official Pokemon. These creatures may only have Powers from an Aspect the god has access to, or Normal Type Moves. It costs an additional 5 Primal for each Pokemon Power the creatures have access to with their creation.

Imbue (Divine Level 3.9, Requires Prophet)

The god has learned how to imbue an individual with divine power, either to make a new potential god or to enhance a god that currently exists. Activating this Power requires (316 - Target's Level) Primal and XP -- the more heroic and legendary the figure, the easier it is to augment them. Once activated, the recipient may be gifted with .2 Primal Level for every .1 Primal Level the god sacrifices from themselves. Obviously the god can not imbue someone with a higher Divine Rank than they have themselves. The cost in Primal and XP is reduced by the god's level in this Power.

Major Power

The god is recognized as a major player in their own pantheon, though they may not be as powerful as the leaders of the pantheon. These gods have access to incredible powers and abilities, that put most lesser gods to shame. Upon becoming a Major Power, a god gains +1 Growth to each Pokemon Attribute.

Purview (Divine Level 4.3, Requires Domain and Manifestation)

The god can choose a symbol of their divinity, and once chosen, the god gains complete dominance over this symbol. This Power can be taken more than once, each time giving the god an additional symbol for their Purview. A god with a Purview becomes the embodiment of the symbol chosen -- a god of Victory represents victory in all forms, while a goddess of the sun gains sway anywhere the sun can shed light. Having a Purview places the god firmly into divine politics, however, and comes with a number of rewards and costs.

  • The god may spend 1 Primal when performing an action which falls under their Purview. This action is perfect, and has a level of success equal to the god's level in this Power. If Successes are needed, the god gains (Level x 4) Successes.
  • The god may spend 1 Primal to oppose an action which falls under their Purview. This action gains a cost. For motals it costs MP equal to the level in this Power, while for other gods, the cost is paid in Primal. If the target refuses to pay the cost, the action is negated.

For an action to fall into a god's Purview, the player must be able to give a reasonable explanation as to how the action fits within the god's control of reality. A goddess of Victory, for example, 'can not be defeated in a contest of skill or upon the field of combat', though this will not prevent another god from growing plants in a farmer's field unless a contest is involved somehow with another farmer.

A Purview is also a title. A god may grant another god an aspect of their Purview, or even grant the Purview itself. When granting an aspect, for every 1 XP the god sacrifices from their own Purview, they grant the other god 1 XP into the aspect. A god of War can grant the aspect of Victory for example. If the god is granting their actual Purview, for every 2 XP they sacrifice, the recipient gains 1 XP towards the same Purview.

A Purview may also be won through conquest. The god who wishes to strip another god of a Purview declares a Challenge to Creation itself, and follows through by performing a major, obvious action which would fall under the challenged god's Purview and which can be attributed to the god themself. This is normally done through thw worshippers of the challenging god. If Creation accepts this Challenge, the challenging god becomes immune to the cost associated with acting against the challenged god's purview. The challenged god becomes immediately aware of the conflict, and may respond as necessary -- though this response is rarely a direct combat with the challenging god. Instead, usually, the conflict is done through mortal proxies.

Each time an event occurs in Creation which would back the god's claim to the Purview, Creation removes 5 XP towards the Purview of the losing god, and rewards it to the winning god's Purview. This is a direct transfer, and can be done only once per week. The initial Challenge counts towards this tranfer, and the contest ends when one god or the other abdicates, or when one god or the other loses the Purview entirely.

Awaken (Divine Level 4.6, Requires Creation)

The god can create an individual with a true soul, thus creating mortals and worshippers. The god may either choose one creature which does not have a soul, or can craft one whole cloth using Creation, then spends 100 Primal. The subject awakens, becoming self aware and sapient, gaining an amount of XP equal to the god's level in this Power. The god may grant more, rewarding the subject with an additional (Level) XP for every 25 Primal spent. This is done only once, upon the awakening of the subject. The god chooses how this XP is spent. The mortal is loyal to the god initially, but beyond this point depends on the god's Divine Presence and how the mortal is treated.

The god may choose an individual of Lesser Power with the Summon Power to be their representative within their Domain. The god must spend an amount of Primal equal to the Lesser Power's Level - the god's Level in this Power. This Primal energy is not recovered until the god either spends an equal amount of XP to make it a perpetual effect, or stops sponsoring the Lesser Power. If the god sponsored surpasses Lesser Power, the effect is ended immediately. While sponsored, the Lesser Power is capable of existing within Creation with no penalties to their power while within the sponsor's Domain. Primal Essence is recovered at a normal rate, and the god can act as necessary within the Domain. This Power may be taken more than once, to sponsor multiple gods.

Greater Power

Those who attain this level of divinity are the unquestioned masters of the pantheon -- either the leaders or those whose role is unassailable. They are awe-inspiring figures, with powers which span reams as they move the world to suit their needs. These are the writers of the Tapestry, answerable only to the Elohim and the movements of the Greater Tapestry. Upon becoming a Greater Power, a god gains +1 Growth to each Pokemon Attribute.

Omnipotence (Divine Level 5.2, Requires Purview)

The god has learned to read and understand the Tapestry, and can shift or alter it as the god sees fit, altering the weave with grace and ease, or slicing it with the skill of a surgeon. The god can construct any effect in the same manner as Sorcery, replacing the Style with the god's Purview. The god must use a Type appropriate to their Aspects. The effect is paid using the god's Primal rather than MP, but all other effects are the same. The end result has a Level equal to the god's Level in this Power and requires no roll.

Omniscience (Divine Level 5.4, Requires Purview)

The god is immediately aware of the thoughts and actions of all mortals who worship them, or whose actions or thoughts fall directly into the god's Purview. If the god wishes, and possesses the Miracle Power, they may perform a miracle through any mortal who actively worships or reveres them. This miracle has a Level of Effect equal to the mortal's Level, or the god's Level in this Power, whichever is lower. The god's may use the higher of the two Levels, but the mortal loses Health equal to the difference in levels. The god pays 25 Primal plus the normal cost of using the Miracle. If the god has Omnipotence or Primordial, these may be used as normal, through the worshipper.

Omnipresence (Divine Level 5.6, Requires Purview)

The god is considered to be present an aware in any Demesne or Domain they possess, as well as in any region which matches the god's Purview, or which has been sanctified by a worshipper. If the god possesses the Miracle Power, they may perform a miracle within the region, and pays 25 Primal plus the normal cost of using the Miracle. If the god has Omnipotence or Primordial, these may be used as normal, within the god's regions of influence. The maximum Level of the effect is equal to the god's Level in this Power or the Level of the Power being used, whichever is lower.

Primordial (Divine Level 5.8, Requires Awakening)

The god can create life in all forms, and with abundance. When using Beast Mastery, Creation, or Awakening, the god may spend a number of Primal up to this Power's Level. The number of entities created is multiplied by the amount of Primal spent. This Power allows the god to use Beast Mastery, Creation, and Awakening remotely through the Powers of Omniscience and Omnipresence.


Very few mortals understand the significance of the Transcendent Gods, also known as Emissaries or Travellers. These are the gods who are charged with passing from realm to realm, placing their judgement on the balance of these worlds, and making or destroying them depending on the judgement rendered. Some Emissaries, however, become corrupted, and simply move from ream to realm, destroying all in their wake. Very few gods can name more than a small handful of Transcendents. Upon becoming a Transcendent Power, a god gains +5 Growth to each Pokemon Attribute.

Upon becoming an Emissary, the god is contacted by an Eloah. The Primordial Essence found within each god was originally a part of an Eloah, who imbued the first gods. Once a god has evolved into an Emissary, their primordial essence purifies, marking the god as a scion of the Eloah whose essence they carry. At this point, the god is charged with wandering, moving from Creation to Creation to ensure that the gods of these worlds maintain harmony with the world itself.

Commune (Divine Level 6.3)

The god can speak directly with their Eloah, gaining insight into what is necessary for the god to perform their duties. The Eloah will invest the god, helping them recover before assigning them a task. The god recovers an amount of HP, MP, and Primal equal to their Level in this Power, and are then given an assignment by their Eloah. This Power can not be used again until the assignment is complete. Alternatively, if the god can prove they are working hard towards completion of the task, the Eloah may grant additional uses of this Power.

Judgement (Divine Level 6.6)

The god can call upon the force of Entropy, drawing it into Creation. The god must capture and retain one True Soul from Creation, or suffer the permanent loss of .5 Primal, giving a portion of themselves instead. Entropy may manifest in a variety of forms, from four horsemen to an all-consuming Void, to a dark Pokemon, depending on the Creation it is summoned to. Summoning Judgement is a Willpower + Occult + Power Level roll. If the god sacrificed a portion of themselves, they only need a Level 30 Success. If they sacrificed a True Soul, then the god needs a Level 40 Success. Failure results in the god being devoured by Entropy, leaving nothing behind. Success indicates that Creation is destroyed utterly, granting the god all potential that Creation had. The god immediately recovers an amount of Primal equal to the Level of Success they gained plus their Level in this Power and gains a permanent .1 to their Primal Level. The god may surpass their maximum amount of Primal they can retain, but naturally bleeds off one point of Primal per day. If the god gains 10 or more Levels of Success beyond what was required, they recover the lost Primal Level required to use this Power.

Genesis (Divine Level 6.9, Requires Primordial and Judgement)

The god can perform the Aria of Creation, creating a new Creation within Nothing. This requires the god to spend 1000 Primal, lose .5 from their Primal Level, and use a True Soul (usually the one sacrificed using Judgement). The True Soul waves itself into the fabric of the new Creation, acting as an agent of change and imbuing Creation with life and primordial awareness. The god rolls Willpower + Occult + Power Level, and requires a Level 30 Success. If the god fails, they risk destroying themselves completely, absorbed by the new Creation. If the god succeeds in the roll, or somehow prevents their destruction, Creation is born. Success in creating a new Creation grants .1 to the god's Primal Level. If the god gains 10 or more Levels of Success beyond what is required, they recover the lost Primal Level required to use this Power. Upon completion of the Creation, the god is given 100 XP which is immediately spent to grant the god Domain (Creation) attuned specifically to the Creation they have made.