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The Imperial Order of Peth

During the Ditto War, Peth was a lawless jungle land ruled primarily by nature. Home to Avalon, the Holy City, and the Order of Souls in the ancient past, Peth has a spotty history. It was only after the War ended and the Order dispersed that the continent began to develop. Once the Council lost its hold on the Peth controlling government, remnents of the Order's religious influence bonded with the beliefs of the natives. An Imperial government formed, and Peth gradually developed into the nation seen today.

Social Structure

Social status is important in Imperial Peth. It's fairly difficult to ascend or descend on the social ladder, though. Chances are a man who is born in low-class will remain there until he dies or leaves the country. Despite this, with the fair government and just Emperor, Peth's social atmosphere is rather peaceful. The division between classes is not quite as obvious as one may expect, though it is there.

Age, however, transcends social boundries. The elderly are respected and treated as sages, often left to their musings and considerations. Many citizens go out of their way to aid the elderly with difficult tasks in the hopes of receiving a tidbit of useful old wisdom in return.

Farmers farm, fishermen fish, hunters hunt. Imperials have a fairly good work ethic, as many of them do what they enjoy doing within their social class. As a majority of the workforce is in the lower area of the social ladder, they tend to be people who enjoy working with their hands. Those who wish for more tend to work their way up to higher levels, proving their dedication in the process and opening doors for a variety of apprenticeships.

Political Structure


The political landscape in Imperial Peth is a bit complex. The land consists of six provinces, with a seventh 'neutral' province that contains the Imperial Capital City. Simply known as the Imperial Province, the capital is a melting pot of the various cultures found in Peth, with citizens from all provinces present amongst the nobility and the Royal Guard. Each Province is ruled by a Daimao, or Lord - Differing titles for the same rank, depending on the province. The provinces have their own relationships with one another, which can be seen in miniature when the council representatives from each meet with the Emperor in the Capital City.

Che An Province

  • (Shay Anne)

Che An Province is a culture very similar to feudal China. It is the largest province in the Empire and produces the most rice on the continent. This is because the landscape is very swampy in this province, which is good for rice crops. However, this also makes growing other crops difficult. Che An is also known for its fishing, with some of the best saltwater fishing in all of Poqmori. Che An's representative does not get along with Chitose's representative. The two bicker often over legal issues. The two provinces, likewise, do not see eye to eye on many matters.

Villore Province

  • (Vee-Lore-Ray)

Villore Province is a culture reminiscent of feudal France, in the time of the Normans. The accent is similar, and the province is known for producing both fine wines and excellent cheeses. Villore's representative is known to be quite snooty, a stereotype that is placed on all who come from Villore. The province itself is characterized by the rolling foothills leading down to the sea, spotted with vast vineyards and dairy farms, with the occasional winery. The people tend to keep to themselves, which only perpetuates the 'snob' stereotype they seem to have gained over the years.

Gemira Province

  • (Ga-Mai-Ra)

Gemira Province is a culture reminiscent of feudal Germany. Might makes right in this germanic province, which has a similarly gruff accent. As much of Gemira's landscape is mountainous, this province relies on metalworking to contribute to the Empire. Unprocessed metals are imported from Tundria and Uto, where they are fashioned into weapons, armor, utensils, furniture, and various other hand-crafted goods. The fine metalwork from Gemira's smiths often results in a very high return, making Gemira the richest of the six provinces. However, Gemira's represenative is a very gruff and physical man who spends much time arguing with Aunia's representative over border rights.

Aunia Province

  • (On-Nee-Ah)

Aunia Province is a culture reminiscent of feudal England. This province is known for its sprawling plains along the southern coast of Peth, and the thickly-accented farmers who own and work the vast farms of corn, wheat, and vegetables that dominate this province. Aunia Province also plays home to many orchards of various fruit trees. Most of the food produced by this province is exported, with only a small percentage required to keep the locals content. While Aunia's representative is often at odds with Gemira's, they don't quarrel with more then words and are easily silenced.

Chitose Province

  • (Shee-Toe-Say)

Chitose Province is a culture reminiscent of feudal Japan. People high in the social ladder often employ bodyguards that wield weapons similar to the old Order Templar. Chitose primarily grows wheat and other grains, and is home to many well known breweries. Most of the malt liquer in Peth originates in Chitose Province. Chitose's representative does not get along with Che An's representative. The two bicker often over legal issues. The two provinces, likewise, do not see eye to eye on many matters.

Shinjuku Province

  • (Shin-Joo-Koo)

Due to the hostilities present between Chitose Province and Che An Province, an Emperor many generations ago split both provinces and formed a new one between them, dubbed Shinjuku Province. This 'buffer zone' has cooled the heads of both Chitose and Che An, though the two still quarrel. Because of its origins, Shinjuku Province has a culture that combines both the Chinese influence of Che An with the Japanese influence of Chitose. Over the generations, the two cultures have mingled so much that they cannot be told apart in Shinjuku.

Shinjuku Province's biggest industry is fishing, followed by rice and fruit. The representative of this province often finds himself playing fire control between Che An's and Chitose's representatives, as conflict between them would turn Shinjuku into a battlefield.


Imperial Peth is ruled by the Emperor. The Emperor and the royal family aree believed to rule by the grace of the creator-god Arceus. Religious belief also states that the first Emperor of Peth was the son of Arceus, which filters down through the royal family's tree to the current Emperor.

The Emperor presides in the Capital with a small council of representatives - One from each of Peth's six provinces. While the representatives carry high power within Peth's government, the Emperor has the last say in any discussion.


The Imperial Order's presence in the global climate is rather neutral. The Emperor has little interest in sparking warfare with the other nations, and often tries to find a peaceful solution to any disagreements. While there is no open hostility, Imperial Peth - Commonly referred to as The Empire, with its citizens known as Imperials - is known to keep its guard up around the more militeristic Tundria Union and Tiamoga.

Despite the Emporer's attempts at peace, war between Tiamoga and the Empire may be inevitable, given the two countries' radically different religious views.

National Relations

The Imperial Order of Peth is

Economic Structure

Many people immigrate to Peth in search of a simpler life. Most of the country's landscape is undeveloped beyond the strictly maintained borders of the few cities. This is because Peth's economy depends almost entirely on crops and game. Houses in the wilderness are far apart, and residents own large tracts of land.


The Empire's primary imports consist of metals, fuels, and building materials. Electronics and other high-tech devices are also imported as they are not produced in-country. Their biggest trade arrangement is with Uto, from which they receive unprocessed metals and alchohol-based fuel.


Imperial Peth's primary exports are crop foods such as barley, corn, wheat, and rice. Peth also brews a variety of beers and ales, sold worldwide. Villore's sprawling vineyards also produce some of the most valuable wines in Poqmori. Hand-crafted metal furniture and impliments of countless shapes and sizes are also a popular export, as well as many different fruits from the orchards of Aunia and Shinjuku Provinces.

Spiritual Structure

It's long been known that Peth was once the home of the Order of Souls, a religious order of knights from the Ditto War era. After the War ended and the Order dispersed, many of their beliefs bled into the beliefs of the locals, resulting in the current religion that dominates Imperial Peth's society.

Religion is important to Imperial society. Foremost, it's believed that the Emperor is descended from Arceus, the creator-god, and rules by Arceus' grace and nobility. That aside, though, most Imperials do not believe in 'good' and 'evil'. They are taught that there exists in the world a balance of light and darkness - Yin and Yang. That darkness, while not a very good thing, must exist or else the balance is lost and all of Creation ceases to exist.

As a result, Imperial Society pays respects not only to Arceus, but to Darkrai. The assorted minor gods and forces of nature are also respected. Many fishermen ask for Lugia's blessing before venturing out to fish, while farmers pray to Suicune for rain and to Celebi for a healthy crop. They believe everything has a spirit that controls it, and thus pay respect to that spirit so as not to anger the gods.

Religious Beliefs

Arceus is known as the Creator-God pokemon, the source of all that is good and mother to life. In opposition is Darkrai, the god of darkness and nightmares, who balances Arceus' light with his darkness.

The three Birds are respected as gods of storms and tragedy, and often prayed to if one wishes to avoid it in an upcoming blizzard, hurricane, or drought.

The three dogs are respected as gods of nature. Entei is treated as the god of the sun. Suicune is known as the god of rain. Raikou is treated as the god of storms.

The Regi trio are known as gods of the land. Imperials pay respects to these creatures when they wish to build something, hoping for mercy lest the land crumble beneath the structure.

What many refer to as the Trinity - Mew, Celebi, and Jirachi - are respected individually in Imperial Peth. Mew is known as the God of Dreams, and is often prayed to by those who suffer nightmares or insomnia. Celebi is known as the god of nature, and is a popular figure among farmers. Jirachi is known as the god of wishes.