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LoG&S players - Click the link below for chargen info

Campaign chargen and rules document

Notes for PX3/PX4 players

  • PX4 divine events are largely retconned, but your characters still exist.
  • Ditto war is over - Ditto are part of mainstream society - Some nervousness may still exist.
  • Starbase Echinacea established in orbit around Poqmori
  • The Protectorate has changed their designation from “not ready for contact” to “federated world” (Part of the protectorate)
    • Poqmori is indexed as World 29b5
  • FTL travel is available (Standard Warp, not Spiral Drive)
  • The mission to Earth that results in their ship crashing and forming Mt. Moon has occurred. About 500 years ago.
  • Poqmori takes part in Protectorate Metareality (They are connected to the intergalactic internet)
  • In Earth time: Parallel to Sword/Shield time

The setting

The timeperiod where roleplay takes place 500 years after the crash landing of Pokemon to Earth. <Finish filling in!>

Current setting time on Earth: Sword/Shield time


Continents (6):

Contiki:   The main continent, average, temperate forest conditions
           Dominant types: All are dominant, Normal and Electric slightly more so
           Features: The center of civilization
           Major cities: Ginseng, Mikon, Niwrad, Lantern
Peth:      The rainforest continent, south of Contiki
           Dominant types: Bug, Plant, Poison
           Features: The Arcadian Ruins
           Cities: Avalon, Camila
Grouda:    The desert continent, southeast of Contiki
           Dominant types: Fire, Rock, Ground
           Features: Mount Lavos Volcano
           Cities: Fyre, Rena (The secret fox city)
Latie:     The air continent, northwest of Contiki
           Dominant types: Flying, Fighting, Dragon
           Features: Mount Shasta (The Great Mountain)
           Cities: Olympia, Terrex, Mount Weyr
Kyogara:   The underwater continent, in the ocean east of Contiki
           Dominant types: Water, Ice, Steel
           Features: Aquadome
           Cities: Merreth (inside dome), Aquila (outside dome)
Terne:     The plains continent west of Contiki:
           Dominant types: Ghost, Dark, Psychic
           Features: The Shroud (area of unending dark [clouds])
           Cities: Helsing, Hadle

Graphical Map:

The present

In the current setting, life goes on much like it would in a 25th century Earth setting. High magitech reigns, Local space is well explored and they are officially members of the Protectorate, an intergalactic federation of planets in this universe. Ginseng seems to be the hotbed of world activity when you look around. Being the most populous city of the world, many people from all around gather there, and it is the center of government. It is the center of commerce and civilization.


Technology hovers around a 2430 level. Your average pokedex is about as sophisticated as a Star Trek Padd, and due to being connected to the Pokenet (which is then connected to the Protectorate metareality), has information from around the universe.


Every device has the capability to connect to the Pokenet. The pokedex is a fine example, getting realtime updates whenever new information is found. Additionally, The pokenav allows you to set and look up information like maps and trainer info. The pokenet can also be projected into now using a neural interface, a space known as the PokeWeave. The dominant lifeform of the PokeWeave is the Digimon, or Digital Pokemon, which are said to be the programs that run on systems connected to the PokeNet. Technology has not advanced enough yet to allow them to leave the PokeWeave, however some have learned how to use Doors, get onto the Grand Stair, and arrive on Poqmori that way. However Porygon, Porygon2 and Porygon-Z are able to go into and out of the PokeWeave through the use of Isometric Algorithms. The Pokenet is also connected to Protectorate Metareality which allows Digimon and Porygon to escape the bounds of Pokenet and move across the universe. Pokemon and Pokemorphs can do this but only through the way of Starbase Echinacea, which has a Protectorate matter entry point for living entities to enter the PokeWeave.

Team Rocket

They exist, but are not an evil organization. They are, instead, like NASA on the pokemon homeworld, and have active space programs and alliances within 1000 lightyears radius. They have secret programs going on also.

Criminal elements

Not including anything Ditto related, the most organized crime comes out of Team Phoenix. (insert Team Phoenix article)


Wild Pokemon and Pokemorphs speak in different languages naturally. Pokemorphs cannot understand wild pokemon under any circumstances, though pokemon can understand them without difficulty. Pokemon and pokemorphs also have their own unique languages that cannot be understood by the other if the other person does not have the


The favored form of transport is the Monorail. There is some aviation but it is not prevalent to have flying machines because a significant industry in flight transport exists from people with the Fly TM. Someone with Fly can carry you from point to point quickly and the average going rate is 100 yen a ride.


Many pokemorphs do not practice any religion at all, of those who do, about 30%, all of them practice the only known religion to exist, the Way of the Trinity, which celebrates Mew, Celebi, and Jirachi as triune gods. There are many temples about the world, with different methods of worship, depending on the developers of the temple. There are many methods of worship and many different rules per temple, but all share a common reverance for Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, and legendary pokemon.

Pokemon and Pokemorphs

Pokemorphs evolved from Pokemon, and thus are always sentient. Some pokemon are also sentient, some are self-aware, and some are not sentient at all. Society assumes that a pokemon is sentient if any sort of intelligence is shown, because some can't or wont speak pokemorph. Sentient pokemorphs and pokemon are considered equal, but wild pokemon are considered capturable and trainable. Of course, some wild pokemon seek out their own trainer anyway.

Because some pokemon might be sentient and still be wild or feral, they are refered to as wild pokemon, if they have not expressed a desire for self-determination and self-awareness, and do not have the same rights as a tame pokemon.

Pokemon who can speak pokemorph, or have otherwise shown a desire for self-determination and self-awareness, are referred to as tame pokemon, and have all the same rights of a pokemorph.

Pokemorphs are interested in taking pokemon as a way to increase their own battle effectiveness, since on average, pokemon are 10% more attack effective than pokemorphs. Wild pokemon are often captured for this purpose, because they are 25% more attack effective on average.

Tame pokemon often seek out a trainer, or wait for someone to try to capture them to see if they are a good trainer, then let on that they are smart, and can even speak!


The biggest and greatest possible note:


Now that that is out of the way...

  • Humans, being pokemorphs, are considered equal to other pokemorphs.
  • Humans understand the pokemorph language.
  • Humans do not have any natural aversion to mating with other pokemorphs and are indeed breeding compatible with some of them. Since they are pokemorphs.
  • Humans are of type fighting.
  • Humans attack class is the martial art. They have many of hitmonlee and hitmonchan's attacks, as well as primeape. They can even learn elemental chi moves.
  • Humans call their children cubs, and their homes 'dens'. They like to make their houses in trees. Most humans are adept climbers. They may also reside in caves.
  • A human who cannot or will not learn their attacks (their martial arts) are considered in about the same light as a vulpix that couldnt do fire moves. Defective, ridiculed by their peers, and outcast.
  • Non native humans (Like from Earth) are treated as if they were pokemorphs, except that they aren't ridiculed about not knowing moves.

Pokemon ownership

Both pokemon and pokemorphs are able to own other pokemon or pokemorphs. But there are a few social contracts surrounding this. First of all, a tame pokemon, or pokemorph, cannot own another tame pokemon or pokemorph against its will. The assignment of a ball between two mutually sentient pokemon or pokemorphs, is a social contract between the two that can be broken at any time.

Wild pokemon are another story. They may be captured, and kept as pets, and trained as a pokemon would be trained. Their owner can make them stay with them, but the owner must not abuse them or the police come and take the poor pokemon away and slap the owner with a serious fine of about 20000 yen.


Pokemorphs and sentient pokemon can both run for office. There are 17 positions on the council, to be filled by one of each pokemon type. A term lasts for a year, with re-elections permitted indefinitely. The council rules the entire world, however continents have their own governments, which while subjugated to the council, have much autonomy. Those governments vary in structure very often.


Marriage is typically certified by the government, after being held in a temple of the Trinity. Most non-religious pokemon and morphs also choose to be married in a church due to the atmosphere. Marriages have no restrictions on the genders of those involved, but are typically limited to 6.

The Trinity considers souls to be joined together when the marriage occurs, however, new mates can be added, if all of the people involved decide as a unit that they want to marry the new person or people.

At the end of a marriage ceremony, all those involved take a marriage ball (which is a modified friend ball) and give it to the others, and wear them around their neck, with the name of the giver engraved. They are able to stay in the ball if they want, just like a regular pokeball, but typically they are just worn.

Family and Children

Pokemon society, in general, put a very large emphasis on family ties. Children all breed true to the mother, but get attacks from their father, whether they are the same type or not. Families typically give their children a bracelet with a friend ball attached to it, identifying which family they are from. Parents keep friendship balls for the children in their family, sometimes for discipline, but often just for carrying them while they sleep.

Children typically feed from their parents until they do not want to anymore, there is no traditional weaning time. Some families continue the practice well into the teen years, to keep their bond strong. Children leave the family when they move on to start a new family, sometimes never leaving at all and creating extended families.