RFID Chips

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RFID Chips

Ever since the end of the ditto war, RFID chips were used to keep track of the ditto and dittokin. These chips were designed to positively identify a ditto as themselves. This became commonplace until about 50 years after the war war over when one ditto launched a lawsuit against The Council claiming discrimination.

As a result of this claim and not wanting to appear to be discriminating against the ditto and thus causing another war. The Council decided that it would extend the RFID chip program to all sentient pokemon, pokemorphs and owned wild-mon.

The Law

The law does actually require everyone to be implanted with an government issued RFID chip. This is in fact the very first hint that someone isnt from this time when they try to pay with yen notes. These RFID chips have been tied to commerce and voting and other such things for over 200 years.

The Technology

The RFID chips contain ROM, Flashable ROM and Flash Memory. Given the miniturization of technology and other factors these fit into a bubble about the size of a pinhead.

The ROM contains a single 128-bit Unique Identity Number (UIN), these numbers are non-sequential and randomly generated with duplicates in the database being tossed out and another number being chosen. This number is virtually impossible to change barring the issuance of a new UIN. This extremely long number is actually burned in microscopically onto the casing of the implant.

Some notes on RFID:
1) It is updated by healing machines and purchase machines at stores.
2) It is updated by GOVERNMENT or MILITARY level RFID scanners.
3) It is NOT updated by consumer level RFID scanners.
4) Consumer level RFID scanners, healing machines, and purchase machines, cannot read section N.
5) It also cannot read section M if bit 3 of Section N is set.
Encoding of Poqmori RFID (in hex encoded nybbles [4 bits, 0-F] 208 bits data, 48 bits signaling protocol):
   A            B               C        D   E F G        H          J   K   L      M     N     Y      Z
 |---| |-----------------| |---------| |---| | | | |-------------| |---| | |---| |-----| |-| |-----| |---|
 6 6 6 b b b b b b b b b b c c c c c c d d d e f g h h h h h h h h j j j k l l l m m m m n n y y y y 9 9 9
 |             |             |             |             |           |           |           |           |
 0             32            64            96            128         160         192         224         256
A: [12] Start sequence ( 0110 0110 0110 )
B: [40] serial number of living resource (covering 1,099,511,627,776 registerable lifeforms), never changes
C: [24] Birthdate and living status 
 Bit 23-22: State of livingness (00=Dead, 01=Missing, presumed dead, 10=Unborn or still in egg, 11=Alive)  
 Bit 21-0:  Birthdate (Days since year 10000) 
D: [12] pokedex number
 Bit 11-10: Origination: 00=Other (including Space or Cyberspace), 01=Earth, 10=Poqmori (PX3), 11=Poqmori pre-year 14000 (PX2) 
 Bit 9-0:   Pokedex number (0..1023)
E: [04] Gender information:
 Bit 3:     1=fertile, 0=infertile
 Bit 2:     1=gendershifter, 0=fixed gender
 Bit 1-0:   00=androgyne, 01=male, 10=female, 11=hermaphrodite
F: [04] Ditto information:
 Bit 3-2:   00=Not dittokin, 01=Dittokin, 10=Dittokin (reserved), 11=Pure ditto
 Bit 1:     0=Ditto by birth, 1=Ditto by other method
 Bit 0:     1=Digimon (Came from cyberspace), 0=Not digimon (Came from biospace)
G: [04] Other genetic information:
 Bit 3:     1=Werepokemon, 0=Not Were
 Bit 2:     1=Wild-pokemon, 0=Not Wild
 Bit 1:     1=Human, 0=Not human
 Bit 0:     1=Earth human, 0=Poqmori human (or not human)
H: [32] Gym ranks (Also see index A):
 Bit 31:    1=Is a gym leader
 Bit 30-26: Belongs to a gym, or is a leader of a gym (according to index A)
 Bit 25:    1=Has a completed pokedex
 Bit 24:    1=Has beaten the Elite four.
 Bit 23-0:  Has the badge for the the gyms indicated by the bits (1 = has badge, see index A)
J: [12] Other pokedex information (20 bits):
 For Dittos/kin: The 10 bit encoding of the last known species they were.  
 For non-shifters: The 10 bit encoding of the their last evolution.
 Bit 11-10: State: 00=Unchanged since birth, 01=Evolved once, 10=Evolved twice, 11=Became a dittokin 
 Bit 9-0:   Pokedex number (0..1023)
K: [04] Number of mate balls they have (0..15)
L: [12] Police and medical information
 Bit 11:    KOS (1=Kill on sight)
 Bit 10:    Geostigma (1=has Geostigma [OOC punishment or ban])
 Bit 9-8:   Current legal status (00=Unwanted, 01=On parole, 10=Warrant for arrest, 11=Consider armed and dangerous)
 Bit 7:     Pokevirus (1=infected)
 Bit 6:     Quarantined (1=yes [if out and about, arrest and requarantine])
 Bit 5:     Equipped with pacemaker or other electronic medical device (1=yes) 
 Bit 4:     Came to Poqmori from Earth (1=yes)
 Bit 3:     Came to Earth from Poqmori (1=yes)
 Bit 2:     Spacefaring (1=yes, has been in outer space)
 Bit 1:     Infected with an engineered virus (1=yes, 0=no, or virus is government authorized)
 Bit 0:     Is up to date with vaccinations (1=yes)
M: [16] Military use unclassified section
 Bit 15:    Cyberspace operative (1=yes)
 Bit 14:    Poqmori operative (1=yes)
 Bit 13:    Space operative (1=yes)
 Bit 12:    Earth operative (1=yes)
 Bit 11:    On active duty? (1=yes)
 Bit 10:    Absent without leave [AWOL] (1=yes)       
 Bit 9:     Authorized pirate (1=cancel out all alerts from section N bit 5)     
 Bit 8:     Military enrollment (0=no [civilian contractor], 1=yes)
 Bit 7-4:   Military clearance level (0=none, 1=basic clearance .. 15=full clearance)
 Bit 3-0:   Military rank (0=civilian, 1=private .. 15=Supreme commander)
N: [08] Military use classified section (THIS SECTION IS OOC KNOWN ONLY!)
 Bit 7:     KOS (1=Kill on sight)
 Bit 6:     Council of 17 member (1=yes)
 Bit 5:     Known pirate (1=Arrest immediately unless Bit 9 of section of section M is set)
 Bit 4:     Test subject (1=yes)
 Bit 3:     Undercover (1=yes, RFID machine will report straight 0 for sections M and N unless hacked)
 Bit 2:     Do not transact (1=Report no money in account)
 Bit 1:     Do not heal (1=Healing machine refuses to activate for this person)
 Bit 0:     Silent tracking (1=Silently report to the military the RFID, time and location of this scan)
Y: [16] 16 bit CRC of 192 bit data before it
Z: [12] End Sequence ( 1001 1001 1001 )
(Index A: Gym values)
    Class A  Class B   Class C
0:  No gym   No gym    No gym
1:  Alpha    Normal    TerraGym1
2:  Beta     Fire      TerraGym2
3:  Gamma    Water     TerraGym3
4:  Delta    Electric  TerraGym4
5:  Epsilon  Grass     TerraGym5
6:  Zeta     Ice       TerraGym6
7:  Eta      Fighting  TerraGym7
8:  Theta    Poison    TerraGym8
9:  Iota     Ground    TerraGym9
10: Kappa    Flying    TerraGym10
11: Lambda   Psychic   TerraGym11
12: Mu       Bug       TerraGym12
13: Nu       Rock      TerraGym13
14: Xi       Ghost     TerraGym14
15: Unicron  Dragon    TerraGym15
16: Pi       Steel     TerraGym16
17: Rho      Dark      SpaceGym1
18: Sigma              SpaceGym2
19: Tau                SpaceGym3
20: Phi                DigiGym0
21: Chi                DigiGym1
22: Psi                DigiGym2
23: Omega              DigiGym3

The Flashable ROM contains a hashed value of your Name, Birthday, Gender and UIN and is used in combination with the UIN to authenticate your identity for any financial or government transactions.

Flash Memory on the RFID chip is used primarily by financial and government institutions which is used for record IDs. In combination with the other two pieces of information allow the person to gain access to their information.

RFID chips specifications indicate that they are capable of being read from up to 4 inches away and has a very unique signature when brought under radio wave induction that is difficult or impossible to reproduce. RFID chips come in a wide variety of technologies for each and every type of pokemon.


Most financial transactions are done by the cashier ringing up the sale. The customer then just puts their hand on the counter or passes it near an antenna for the devices to garner the information in encrypted form and send it out. When received on the bank end it is decrypted and then the sale is either signaled as authorized or denied.

Police officers and the Military have access to classified devices which can read RFID chips from several meters away (the estimated range is somewhere up to 3 meters) and works by generating a huge pulse of radio energy in the direction of the target which the RFID chip responds to frequency induction and is broadcasted over a much larger area than normal.